Dress Code

As a church-related school, we believe that children should dress modestly.  Therefore we have a dress code so that the students can learn to dress in a way that is appropriate for their activity and be modest.


Research and experience agree that what a child wears to school has a direct influence on behavior and on the amount the child learns.

Clothing and grooming which the teacher considers to be distracting from the planned educational activities will not be permitted.

Dress and/or grooming which draws undue attention to the student, or that is unnatural in appearance, is not to be worn.  Colored fingernail polish, rings, necklaces and chains, ear-rings (even if the ears are pierced), bracelets, and any other jewelry items are not to be worn to school or on any activities or events sponsored by the school.

Students are required to have athletic shoes at the school for PE. No sandals or open-toed shoes are permitted at any time. Students will be going outside even on cold days. Please dress your child appropriately.


The School Board has adopted a dress code for our students as follows:

SHIRTS:  Solid-color polo shirts. All shirts must have a collar. All shirts must be tucked in at school. They may be long or short-sleeved as weather permits (No sleeveless). No logos or slogans should be on any clothing.  In cold weather, students may wear turtlenecks and long-sleeve shirts under their polo shirts.

PANTS: Khaki, black, or navy blue pants, or blue jeans that are neat and modest are acceptable. No holes allowed in pants.  No baggy pants/jeans are allowed.

SHORTS: Khaki, black, or navy blue long walking shorts as weather permits. All shorts must be hemmed.

SKIRTS: Should be neat and modest. We recommend that girls wearing skirts have shorts or slacks underneath for use on the playground.